GR 965 Sur les pas des Huguenots (étape 1)

A long historic plan of 1200km (France, Switzerland(Swiss), Germany) and account 29 stages in France for a total distance of 374 km.All the French route(course) is situated in the Region Rhône-Alpes. Download of index cards(forms) hike(ride) on the site.


The Departure is in Poët-Laval with 1 era stage Poët-Laval - Dieulefit: 5.8 km (1:30 am), Dieulefit-Bourdeaux: 15.5 km (5 hours) and Bourdeaux - The Boiler: 11.4 km (4 hours)....
9 stages are situated in the department of the Drôme for 116 km 12 stages are situated in the department of Isère for 146 km 6 stages are situated in the department of the Savoie(Savoy) for 74 km 2 stages are situated in the department of the Haute-Savoie for 38 km

Labels and ranking

  • Open air
  • GR®


  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking itinerary


Throughout the year : open daily.


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To see the spot on the map, you can fly over the altitude difference below.