Pays de Dieulefit - Bourdeaux

Bucket-list of your trip

The destination

Refill with emotions

Click on a territory to know more about it

Twenty-one rural districts nestled in verdant nature, with forests, rocky outcrops, cliffs, and peaks, which are bound to attract your attention! A genuine countryside in the heart of the Drôme Provençale; we invite you to discover its treasures.


What's on

Major events

Démonstration de tournage potier

Festival des Nouvelles du Conte

Festival des Nouvelles du Conte

Festival des Nouvelles du Conte

Festival des Nouvelles du Conte

Démonstration de tournage potier

Latest news / What's on

my favourites

Discover the Dieulefit-Bourdeaux region throughout the seasons

Hello to you nature lovers, well-being and food enthusiasts, crafts aficionados… Discover or re-discover the landscapes and the specialties of the Dieulefit-Bourdeaux region throughout the seasons. Our mascot Bêêêlà knows the territory at her horntips and will gladly share her knowledge with you. It is mid-fall and the landscapes are stunning, the colors are varying […]

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Here are 5 good reasons to spend your holiday here.